Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Stone Stories

One of the ways in which I share my Reiki is by charging gem stones with the energy so that someone can take it and keep it with them. There are some who will say to me that the energy does not work that way but I was led to do it and my results speak for themselves. I never make any promises to anyone because there are so many variables but I do believe it can and does work this way. Below I will share stories of how my stones have helped others. To be updated as time goes by...

Several weeks ago I moved to a new office at my company and someone came to give me and my space an ergonomic assessment. The lady who came was quite pleasant and somehow we got on the topic of Reiki and then she told me her daughter was ill. I offered to give her a stone for her daughter and she gratefully accepted. Today she ran into me getting coffee at the office and came over to me with a big smile and said the stone worked! Her daughter was much much better.

Tonight I was at a Christmas party and ran into a few people whom I have given Reiki rocks to in the past (I often am led to give people I meet the first one from me free if spirit leads me to, especially if they are unemployed. Well the first gal is one who had gotten a job right after I gave her a stone a couple years ago she told me she had since lost the job though and her ex was also taking her back to court to reduce her alimony as he is not working. I asked her where he stone is to bring it to me to get re-charged....she confessed she had lost it but would come see me soon to buy a new one. LOL
A second gal is someone who I did not give a stone to but when she heard that my stones and energy had helped someone else she asked me to charge the necklace she was wearing with intentions to help her find a boyfriend, as I recall she ran over to me excitedly about a week later and she told me it worked she found someone! So tonight when I saw her she came over and gave me a hug and reminded me of this story and told me they were still together and it had been over 3 years now. Wow! It truly warms my heart to see people so happy.
But anyway the third person is someone I gave a stone to about 2 weeks ago, she is a nurse and was out of work and very worried. Tonight she told me that she got a temp assignment. For some reason though another friend of mind popped in my head who owns an agency that places nurses in homes for home care I mentioned this and the gal said yes please as this assignment is not permanent. When I got home I messages the lady who owns the placement agency and she was online at the time and said sure she needed nurses and told me to have my friend send her resume and or call. So again the power of the Reiki is at work!

A couple of weeks ago Lorraine my very dear friend and Tarot card reader was doing a card reading party for members of my meet - up group. After the event as she was packing up she asked to buy some of my spirit stones to use in her workshop the following day. It was Imbolc and she was doing a ceremony with Brigid and thought the stones would be great to work with and she needed 15 of them. I gave her the container and let her choose which ones she wanted and them I asked to hold them and "charge" them with my Reiki energy just for her. When I handed them back to her she was beaming with joy at how warm they were and what energy she felt from them. I was glad and tonight I was e-mailing her about a person requesting a private reading and she said to me:  your stones were a big hit and we used them to harness soul intentions. After ceremony we buried them in the earth in a flood zone area and I know that area will be protected now :)
I was so happy to hear that! I guess it's time for me to listen to my little voice and buy some more, Lorriane said:  Maybe you could also put them on etsy and ebay.  the right people will find them!!! 

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